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Photo of Francisca Blázquez Martín-Ondarza

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FRANCISCA BLZQUEZ CURRICULUM: Born in 1966 in Madrid. Studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Madrid, from 1981 to 1983 and the Studio Arjona from 1983 to 1989. He has obtained several grants in his studies, after rigorous selection, Arjona Studio. Statue Drawing, Figure Drawing, Bodegn Painting, Figure Painting and Personal Interpretation. From 1989 to 2002 achieved the following courses: Painting Intensive with D M Luisa Esteban at the Monastery of Polo, Pontevedra, study group, Venice...
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FRANCISCA BLZQUEZ CURRICULUM: Born in 1966 in Madrid. Studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Madrid, from 1981 to 1983 and the Studio Arjona from 1983 to 1989. He has obtained several grants in his studies, after rigorous selection, Arjona Studio. Statue Drawing, Figure Drawing, Bodegn Painting, Figure Painting and Personal Interpretation. From 1989 to 2002 achieved the following courses: Painting Intensive with D M Luisa Esteban at the Monastery of Polo, Pontevedra, study group, Venice Biennale, Oliver Mosset, New York Painting Intensive Par s; Crculo of Fine Arts in Madrid Contemporary Art Intensive with Mr. John Armleder; Studio Kassel Documenta and Full Course 3D (Three Dimensions) with Joaqun Carnicer. Performs complex and diverse artistic animations, digital photographs and a great artistic production in this environment of international electronic. Madrid. SOLO SHOWS: 1993 Galera Austellungrsraum. Harry Zellweger. Basel. Anselmo Alvarez Galera Switzerland 1993 (June). Madrid. Painting, installation and performance. Spain. Anselmo Alvarez Galera 1993 (July). Madrid. Painting, installation and performance. Spain. Francisca Blzquez run a video-performance specially designed for the Gallery of Anselmo Alvarez. The installation of Anselmo Alvarez discusses the approaches space / time and the dichotomy transformation of form and color as a dynamic entity of its creation. Galera 1994 Verena Hoffer. Barcelona. Painting. Catalunya-Spain. Gayo Art Galley 1995. Painting. Madrid. Spain. 1996 Ateneo de Madrid. Exhibition Hall of Santa Catalina. Painting. Spain. Four Seventeen 1997 Galera. Painting, sculpture, performance and video performance. Spain. 1997 Espai Miquel Gaspar. Barcelona. Catalunya-Spain. Painting. Culture 1998 Casa do Brazil. Madrid. Spain. Painting. 1999 d'Art Galley Pinyol Antoni. Reus. Tarragona. Catalunya-Spain. 2000 Francisca Blzquez Work Space. Madrid. Spain. 2001 Bolivarian Museum of Contemporary Art of Santa Marta. Colombia. Painting. 2001 Museum of Cartagena de Indias. Colombia. Painting. 2001 G. Body Factory. Madrid. Painting, installation, performance, object art, transformation of space. 2001 IES "Marques de Comares'. Lucena. Cordoba. Spain. 2001 Palacio de Deportes. Lucena. Cordoba. Spain. 2001 Kultur Etxea. Gernika-Lumoko. Biscay. Euzcadi. Spain. Pau d'Arara Galera 2001. Madrid. Spain. Iberjoya-September 2002. Madrid. Spain. 2002. Lios Galera Spain. Oporto. Portugal. 2002. Berruet Galera Pavilion. Lineart. Gent-Gent. Belgium. Box 2003 South. Cordoba. Andalusia. Spain. 2003 Galeria d'Art Paquita Delgado. Sant Sadurnd'Anoia. Barcelona. Catalunya. Spain. 2003 Museum Place Guantanamo. Concepcion del Uruguay. Argentina. 2003 Museum of Barranquilla. Barranquilla. Colombia. 2003 Stock Exchange. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Iberjoya 2003. September edition. Madrid. Spain 2003 FAIM. Fourth edition. Madrid. Spain. 2003 Marcy Gaimur Gallery. Jewelry. Madrid. 2003 Spain Gallery of Abraham Vzquez. Jewelry. Gav. Barcelona. Catalunya. Galera 2003 Fran Spain Dorel. Jewelry. Santander. 2003 Spain Barcelona Art Montse Serres. Catalunya. Spain. Art Galley 2003 South. Argentina 2003. Alberto Cerritos gallery. Canad. 2004 Rina Bouwen Gallery of Art. Madrid. Spain. Nim 2004 Gallery. Madrid. Spain. 2004. Buitrago del Lozoya. Madrid. Spain. 2004. Marci Gaymu. Jewelry. Madrid. Spain. 2004. Monasterio de San Juan. Burgos. Castilla y Leon. Spain. 2004. Palacio de Congresos de Madrid. Paseo de la Castellana. Joan Mir room. Madrid. Spain. 2004. FAIM Fair. Fifth edition. Stand. Madrid. Spain. 2004. Stand Iberjoya. Madrid. Spain. 2004. Stand Hotel Intercontinental. Jewelry. Madrid. Spain. 2005 Alliance Française. Trujillo. Per 2005 FAIM. Madrid. 2005 Casino of Marbella Spain. Malaga. Andalusia. Spain. 2005 Art Gallery Estela de Cantabria. Santander. Cantabria. Spain. 2005 Room Aires. Cordoba. Andalusia. Spain. 2005. Almera Fair. Andalusia. Spain 2005 Gómez and Molina. Marbella. Puerto Banus. Malaga. Andalusia. Spain. 2005 Apollo West End. London. England. Britain. 2005 Casa do Brasil. Madrid. Spain. 2005 Jadite Galleries. Expo of several authors. New York. USA 2005 Hotel Intercontinental. Jewelry. Madrid. Spain. 2006. Hotel Costa Galana. Galera de Mar. Mar del Plata. Argentina. 2006. Gallerie of Genesse. Charlerois. Belgium. 2006. Vicus Municipal Museum. Piura. Per. 2006. Alliance Française. Cusco. Per. 2006. China. Peking. Sculpture 'Spirit Olmpic'. Traveling to 50 cities in China. China. 2006. Hotel HUSA Gran Va. Logroo. La Rioja. Spain. 2006. Castillo de Cardona. Barcelona. Spain. 2006. FAIM. Madrid. Spain. 2006. Museo Casa de la Moneda. Madrid. Spain. 2006. Arequipa. Per 2007. Ana López space. Madrid. Spain. 2007. Palacio de Congresos. Madrid. Spain. 2007. Giotti. Madrid. Spain. 2007. Dionis Bennassar Galera. Madrid. Spain. 2007. Pilar Espace. Madrid. Spain. 2007. Foundation Art and Progress. Madrid. Spain. 2007. Francisca Blzquez space. Madrid. Spain. 2007. Francisca Blzquez. Dimensional space. Madrid. Spain. 2007. Francisca Blzquez space and dimensionality. Madrid. Spain. 2007. Hiplito Rest. Buenos Aires. Argentina. 2007. Hotel Husa Gran Va. Logroo. La Rioja. Spain. 2007. Ana López Area 2. Madrid. Spain. 2007. Ana López Area 3. Madrid. Spain. EXHIBITIONS AND TRADE: - Participate in all these years in over 330 exhibitions in Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Denmark, France, Germany and Switzerland. - - With attendance at fairs relationship primarily go to ARCO, with galley Anselmo Alvarez de Madrid; fair in Cologne (Germany), with the Contemporary Art Galley Pinyol Antoni Reus (Tarragona-Spain a); Lineart in Gent-Gent (Belgium) with Berruet Galera Logroo Pavilion directed by Matthew Berrueta; DeArte, Madrid (Spain) and Feria de Almeria (Roquetas de Mar, Almeria, Andalusia (Spain) with Galera d'Art Marc Sabata, Estampa, Madrid, Spain, with DKS Galera de Vitoria and FAIM own stand. 2006. Join the Abstract Mind Mural of Chicago, created by Aldo Castillo Gallery. Museum of Science Chicago. Chicago. Illinois. United States. 2006. an international group also held in Lleida with top artists to raise funds for the victims of Pakistan. 2006. Jorge Ontiveros collective Galera. Madrid. Spain. WORKS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS galleries and museums (selection): UBS Union Bank of Switzerland. Madrid. Spain. Swiss Banking COOPERATION. Barcelona. Spain. Corporacion Banking in Spain. Argentaria. Madrid. Private companies in Basel. Switzerland. Museum of Contemporary Art of Japan. Marugame Hirai. Japan. Nova Nfor Museum. Rute. Cordoba. Andalusia. Spain. Gernika-Lumoko Etxea Kultur. Bizkaia. Euskadi. Spain. People of Foraster. Anaite. Logroo. La Rioja. Spain. Ayuntamiento de Lucena. Cordoba. Andalusia. Spain. Paquita Delgado Art Gallery. Sant Sadurnd'Anoia. Barcelona. Catalunya. Spain. Berruet Galera Pavilion. Logroo. La Rioja. Spain. Espai Miquel Gaspar. Barcelona. Catalunya. Spain. Ibero-American Foundation for Development. FIDE. Madrid. Spain. 'Marquis of Comares. " Lucena. Cordoba. Andalusia. Spain. Galera 4 / 17. Madrid. Spain. Anselmo Alvarez Galera. Madrid. Spain. Verena Hoffer Galera. Barcelona. Spain. Austellungsraum Galera. Basel. Switzerland. Ateneo de Madrid. Exhibition Hall of Santa Catalina. Madrid. Spain. Antoni Pinyol Galera. Reus. Tarragona. Spain. Cultural Casa do Brazil. Madrid. Spain. Bolivarian Museum of Art in Santa Marta. Santa Marta. Colombia. Pictorial work. City Hall Glass Gallows. Community of Madrid. Spain. Sculptural work. The 'C' Gallows. City Hall Glass Gallows. Community of Madrid. Spain. Galera Rina Bouwen. Madrid. Spain. Serres-art gallery. Directed by Montse Serres. Barcelona. Spain. Compulsory address. Albacete. Spain. Collection of FAIM. Spain. Students Solidarity Foundation Collection. Canarias. Collection Spain Palacio de Congresos Joan Mir. Castellana, 99. Madrid. Spain. Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Mapfre Foundation. Spain. Casino de Marbella. Malaga. Andalusia. Spain. Marbella Town Hall. Malaga. Andalusia. Spain. Sketch gallery. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Alliance Française de Trujillo. Per. Sala Aires. Cordoba. Andalusia. Spain. The Point of the Arts. Madrid. Spain. Group duplex. Arte y Joya. Barcelona. Catalunya. Spain. Group duplex. Eurodesign. Barcelona. Catalunya. Spain. Instituto Cervantes. Moscow. Hotel Costa Galana Russia. Galera del Mar. Mar del Plata. Argentina Collection Manuel Carrera. Madrid-Guadalajara. Spain. Abstract Mind Mural. Chicago. United States. Sculpture 'Spirit Olmpic'. Beijing-Peking. China. Palacio de Congresos de Madrid (2). Madrid. Spain. Dionis Bennassar Galera. Madrid. Spain. Ana López space. Madrid. Spain. Pilar Espace. Madrid. Spain. Foundation Art and Progress. Madrid. Spain. Hiplito Rest. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Giotti. Madrid. Spain.

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